Food: Treats

Like every other living thing on the planet, some foods, regardless of their nutritional value, hold more appeal than others for some individuals. This is very true for rats. You may find that your rats may have an affinity for strawberries, or they're a glutton for yogies. Here is a list of treats that can come in handy for training your rat, or just simply showing them love.

  • Yogies (available in pet food stores often near the counter or dog treats section. Can also be called Yoghurt Drops, Vanilla/Strawberry/Chocolate etc. Drops. These are pretty fatty so limit your rats intake)
  • Chopped fruit (they should be a staple anyway, but some fruits are extra special to different rats. Mine go wild for grapes)
  • Natural Yoghurt (Jalna is a good brand. Excellen pro-biotics and 'good' bacteria, helps their tummies in small amounts and they're excellent for rats on antibiotics)
  • Fruit Puree (very high in sugar, good for trust training though, as they have to eat it from where you provide it, whether it be on your fingers or a spoon)
  • Seeds and Nuts
  • Avocado flesh (similar deal to yoghurt and puree. When scooping out the flesh, avoid the flesh near the pit and skin, as these are toxic. Limit the amount you give as it's very fatty, but it can be excellent for a dull coat)

Does your rat adore a particular treat you provide? If so, let me know!